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It was a time when the Hollywood studios all but owned the actors they had under contract. A time when the studios choreographed the actors careers AND their love life. They would set up dates between stars ALL FOR PUBLICITY. Marriages? Yes, even marriages were arrainged sometimes. Wow.
Do we have your attention now? You need to listen to our last show featuring the always entertaining Laurie Jacobson! She always amazes me! We could’ve done a 2-hour show with her on board. She always has MORE material than we have time for…and stuff that even the hardcore trivia buffs walk away saying “I never knew that”.
The story she told about Marilyn Monroe and how Frank Sinatra used her almost as a prostitute had our mouths hanging open. I won’t say anymore about that since I can’t do it justice…you have to hear it yourself.
Laurie has written four books on classic Hollywood.
Dishing Hollywood serves up the real scoop on 43 scandals with a recipe connected to each one: last suppers, first dates, favorite dishes – stories with some real meat to them.
Hollywood Heartbreak relives 75 years of Hollywood history through the lives and deaths of 31 people who helped to build it, how their lives helped to create the city and the industry, how their tragic or mysterious deaths contributed to its mystique.
Haunted Hollywood takes you into the oldest studios and hotels, the most glamorous theaters and nightspots, and beautiful homes from Beverly Hills to Hollywood. Hear about the ghosts of mobsters, lovers and bandits. Learn about the celebrities who have seen ghosts, celebrities who have lived with ghosts and celebrities who are ghosts!
And Timmys In The Well. Laurie is married to Jon Provost (Timmie on Lassie) and the fall, of 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of Jon Provost’s debut as Timmy Martin on “Lassie”. Just 7, he was already a seasoned professional, having appeared in ten films and TV shows with stars like: Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, Jane Wyman, Anita Ekberg, William Holden. Both Hollywood and NY critics named him the top kid movie actor of 1958. Yet, while Jon portrays part of an idyllic television family, he and his own family are deeply and irrevocably changing as a result of his skyrocketing fame.
Check out Lurie’s personality, knowledge and wit as she takes US through a 30-minute show. When she’s on board we should rename the show to Wait, I DIDN’T know jack!!