An Affair of The Family with Cissy, Buffy and Jody



Our interview with the always adorable Kathy Garver (Cissy on Family Affair) was a blast! Who could forget Uncle Bill, his english gentleman Mr. French and the orphaned kids left to Bill Davis (Cissy, Buffy and Jody).
I don’t know of a single little girl growing up with me that didn’t want a Mrs Beasley doll!
I can still sing the theme song to this very day.
I gotta say that Kathy had some pretty cool notches on her career belt.
For example, did you know she provided the voice for Firestar on “Spiderman and his amazing friends”….among other cartoon characters.
And would you have ever gotten this question right….Did she actually star in an Israeli stage version of the famous Family Affair? The answer…YES! You have to listen to our podcast interview to hear those details. Kathy was also rocketed to stardom by one of the most famous directors of all time…Cecil B. DeMille. He noticed her as a bit part in The Ten Commandments and gave her a little more face time on the film. I didn’t even know she was IN that film!! Wow.
She is truly a class act and was a lot of fun in the interview. She hit every topic from the untimely death of Anissa Jones (Buffy) to a peak into the unusual events behind the casting of Mr. French.
Be sure to check out Kathy’s website!!

